Defined Benefit Superannuation Funds
Professional help with your defined benefit super fund
Haintz Actuarial has extensive experience in preparing liability valuations and cash flow projections for employer-sponsored defined benefit superannuation funds. Valuations are conducted for annual and triennial reporting purposes, principally in order to demonstrate solvency and to advise on appropriate levels of employer super fund contributions. In addition to valuations for your defined benefits superannuation fund we are able to produce cash flow projections of assets and liabilities.
As part of the defined benefit fund assessment process, a peer review takes place, where the results of the primary actuary’s valuations are checked for reasonableness. This is becoming increasingly necessary from an audit perspective, and we provide this service for both auditors and primary clients as required. The conduct of peer reviews varies from task to task, with different emphases and varying levels of detail of the review, but we ensure that the client’s needs are accommodated.
HA can also help if you are considering converting your super fund’s Defined Benefits to Accumulation Style Benefits. Contact us today to learn more.